Converting between decimals and fractions
To change
a fraction to a decimal: divide the top by the
For example
Converting between percentages and fractions
or decimals
To write
a % as a fraction or decimal: divide by 100
For example
To write
a decimal or fraction as a %: multiply by 100
For example
1 Write
these decimals as fractions:
0.3 = ……… 0.5 = ……… 0.6
= ……… 0.02 = ………
0.05 = ……… 0.25 = ……… 0.36
= ……… 0.125 = ………
2 Write
these fractions as decimals:
3 Write
these percentages as decimals:
4% = ……… 50% = ……… 25% = ……… 80% = ………
9% = ……… 14%
= ……… 67%
= ……… 12.5%
= ………
4 Write
these percentages as fractions:
20% = ……… 75%
= ……… 5% = ……… 30% = ………
40% = ……… 15%
= ……… 24% = ……… 35% = ………
5 Write
these decimals as percentages:
0.25 = ……… 0.5 = ……… 0.7 = ……… 0.07 = ………
0.45 = ……… 0.09 = ……… 0.4
= ……… 0.375 = ………
6 Write
these fractions as percentages:
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